City Attorney 101 breakout sessions on Friday, Feb. 7 are designed for attorneys new to municipal law.
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Thursday, Feb. 6
11:30 a.m.
Check-in opens
12 p.m.
Lunch and Conversation with MACA officers and League general counsel
1 p.m.
Comprehensive City Code Review Pros, Cons, and Pitfalls
Presenters: Kyle Hartnett, Kori Land, and Larry Odebrecht
Some cities have systemically reviewed their City Code with a smaller, appointed committee. Learn some of the benefits all cities can reap from this process and what mistakes can be avoided. Was it worth the effort?
2 p.m.
Open Meeting Law: Proactively Preventing Violations and Recent Litigation
Presenters: Paul Reuvers and Mary Tietjen
This session will provide guidance from an experienced city attorney concerning best practices to comply with the nuances of the Open Meeting Law. In addition, a litigation attorney will discuss recent Open Meeting Law cases and lessons learned from those experiences.
3 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Preparing for the Unimaginable: Lessons in Community Crisis Management
Presenters: Greg Lindberg, Paul Omodt, Don Reeder, and Jared Shepherd
City of Burnsville staff and consultants will provide their crisis management experience in responding to the unprecedented tragedy of Feb. 18, 2024, in Burnsville, including lessons learned. The panelists will discuss preparing to manage an emergency response and available resources and considerations for small and large cities.
4:45 p.m.
Evening Remarks
5 p.m.
Networking Reception
Friday, Feb. 7
8 a.m.
8 a.m.
How Labor Shortages Impact City Attorney Work
Presenters: Lida Bannink, Bart Fischer, and Brandon Fitzsimmons
(Session concurrent with breakfast)
From seasonal workers to city administrators, cities are struggling to find qualified, dedicated employees at all levels. This presentation will explain legal issues that can derive from shortages and unfilled positions as well as offer ideas on a city attorney’s role in attracting talent and supporting retention efforts.
Breakout Sessions
Please note: City Attorney 101 breakout sessions are designed are designed for attorneys new to municipal law.
9 a.m.
Civil Topic
Update on Administrative Law
Presenter: Monte Mills
This presentation will provide an overview of the basics of administrative law and an update on recent decisions.
Civil Topic/City Attorney 101
Development Agreements 101
Presenters: Amy Schmidt, Chris Smith, Sarah Sonsalla, and Rachel Tierney
Hear from a panel of experts who will discuss what development agreements are, what they do, and what should be in them.
Civil Topic
Trends in Affordable Housing
Presenters: Irene Kao, Daniel Lightfoot, and Lisa Needham
Cities are facing increased demands for affordable housing. Hear about important regulatory and legislative initiatives that have statewide impact for attracting developers, building new infrastructure, and how a city’s ability to regulate some of these standards is changing. *Real Property Credit
10 a.m.
Transition time
10:05 a.m.
Criminal Topic
Appeals for the Non-Appellate Lawyer
Presenters: Stephanie Angolkar and Jason Kuboushek
A walk through the appeal process: Expert practitioners will share the steps necessary to preserve appealable issues, as well as discuss how appeals work and what to expect during the process.
Civil Topic/City Attorney 101
Municipal Budgeting: The Basics of How Municipalities Fund Projects
Moderator: Dylan Ramstad Skoyles; Panelists: Dan Burns, Mikaela Huot, and Eric Larson
A panel will discuss different funding options available to cities and how they can utilize those options to fund needed public projects.
Civil Topic
Construction Law for City Attorneys
Presenter: Michelle Weinberg
From yearly public works projects to construction of new park shelters and even City Hall, learn from construction law experts about the do’s, don’ts and options related to construction contracts. This session will include an overview of some of the more common issues that come up for cities during construction projects, including pre-bidding considerations, options for approaching construction project management, and key pitfalls to avoid with construction projects large and small. *Real Property Credit
11:05 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
Criminal Topic
State v. Butze and State v. Harris: The Impact of Recent Minnesota Court of Appeals Decisions on Criminal Trial Preparation and Disclosure
Presenters: Bill Lemons, Karen Skoyles, and Kayla Wengronowitz
This session will discuss the factual underpinning and legal strategies behind the litigation of the Butze and Harris cases, as well as provide practice pointers on how the State can continue effective prosecution in light of these decisions.
Civil Topic/City Attorney 101
Municipal Math: Adding and Subtracting Municipal Boundaries
Presenters: Jason Hill, Star Holman, Rolf H. Nycklemoe, and Judge Jessica Palmer-Denig
A panel consisting of city attorneys, Municipal Boundary Unit Adjustment staff, and an administrative law judge will discuss the processes for annexations and detachments and the role attorneys play in changing city boundaries.
Civil Topic
Title VI: Do You Have a Plan?
Presenter: Don Simmons
Recipients and subrecipients of federal aid must comply with regulatory requirements enacted to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related legal authorities, aimed to prevent discrimination in programs and activities. This session will provide background information about Title VI, review MnDOT’s requirements of its FHWA subrecipients, and explore how those requirements might be best met through the implementation of a “Title VI Implementation Plan.”
12:15 p.m.
Networking Lunch
1:15 p.m.
Annual Business Meeting
1:30 p.m.
Navigating Employee Leaves
Elise Heifort
Each employee leave has unique circumstances, but with recent changes to state law, navigating them can be complex. Hear from an experienced practitioner on how to manage these requests under FMLA, ESST, work comp, and what to expect when the Minnesota Paid Leave program launches in 2026.
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
All the Authorities – EDA, HRA, Port Authority – Which, When, Why,…?
Presenters: Kori Land and Eric Larson
A quick and dirty explanation of how to best utilize these hidden statutory gems for residential and economic development. *Real Property Credit
3:15 p.m.
Shielding the Carer: Understanding and Managing Secondary Trauma in the Legal Profession
Presenter: Sarah MacGillis; Moderator: Dave Kendall, Partner, Campbell Knutson
By virtue of their practice, many lawyers are repeatedly exposed to the trauma of others in a multitude of ways. We refer to this exposure as secondary trauma and this course will explain what it is, how to spot it in yourself and others, and what can happen if it’s left unmanaged. In addition, we will explore strategies to help fortify the legal professional individually and in your practice to better handle this aspect of legal practice.
4:15 p.m.
Closing Remarks
4:30 p.m.